Medieval Art

In addition to the written sources commonly employed by historians, I am interested in how artistic depictions can tell us about medieval environmental history. I used some images for this purpose in both my dissertation and thesis. I have also written a few pieces on medieval art history topics.


"On the Margins: Imagination in Gothic Illuminated Manuscripts"

I contributed an article "On the Margins: Imagination in Gothic Illuminated Manuscripts" about Gothic manuscript marginalia to the exhibit "Lustre: Spirtual Treasures and Sensory Pleasures" at the University of Houston Library, October 2005 - March 2006. Click here for the exhibit main page or go directly to my article as a pdf.

“The divine right of kingship: A comparison of medieval coronation images of Charlemagne and Roger II of Sicily”

Visual Culture: A Journal of Art History and Art 3, no. 1 (2003): 32-35.