Project Outputs

In addition to this blog, “The Return of Nordic Nature Project” project aims to produce research publications, conference papers, and media appearances about reintroduction and related histories. If you do not have electronic or print access to a particular article publication and would like a copy, email me.

The most substantial output of the project is the book Recovering Lost Species in the Modern Age: Histories of Longing and Belonging (The MIT Press, 2019).

Research articles

Jørgensen D. 2016. A New Place for Stories: Blogging as an Environmental History Research Tool. In Methodological Challenges in Nature-Culture and Environmental History Research, ed. Jocelyn Thorpe, Stephanie Rutherford, L. Anders Sandberg. Routledge.

Jørgensen D. 2016. Presence of absence, absence of presence, and extinction narratives. In Nature, Temporality and Environmental Management, ed. Lesley Head, Katarina Saltzman, Gunhild Setten, and Marie Stensek, 45-58. Routledge.

Roberts P. and Jørgensen D. 2016. Animals as instruments of Norwegian imperial authority in the interwar Arctic. Journal for the History of Environment and Society 1: 65-87. [Open Access]

Jørgensen D. 2016. Muskox in a box, and other tales of containers as mediators in translocation. In Animal Housing: Practical Infrastructures and Infrastructural Practices, ed. K. Bjørkdahl and T. Druglitrø, 100-114. Routledge.

Jørgensen D. 2015. Migrant muskoxen and the naturalization of national identity in Scandinavia. In The Historical Animal, ed. S. Nance, 184-201. Syracuse University Press.

Jørgensen D. 2014. Rethinking rewilding. Geoforum 65: 482-488, doi://10.1016/j.geoforum.2014.11.016

Jørgensen D. 2014. Conservation implications of parasite co-reintroduction. Conservation Biology 29: 602-605 DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12421

Jørgensen D. 2013. Reintroduction and de-extinction. Bioscience 63: 719–720. pdf

Jørgensen D. (forthcoming 2017, pending revision) Endling, the mystique of the last in an extinction-prone world. Environmental Philosophy.

Popular science publications

Jørgensen D. 2016. The Tasmanian tiger went extinct 80 years ago today. But that took decades to figure out. Washington Post, 7 September. Online

Jørgensen D. 2016. Rödlistorna, arternas historia och övervakning av naturen. Biodiverse 21, no. 2: 10-11. Online version

Conference/workshop oral presentations

When is the wild? Desiring the Wild / Wild Desires, Cambridge, UK, 2013.

The past is the future: The reintroduction of muskox in Norway. European Society for Environmental History, Munich, Germany, 2013.

The case of the missing beaver. History of Technology and Science Days, Umeå, Sweden, 2013.

Hunters as restorationists: The hunting communities’ role in the reintroduction of beaver in Sweden. Viltforskning workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013.

Muskox in a box, and other tales of containers as mediators in translocation. Northern Nations Northern Natures, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013.

Muskox on the move: Animal agency and crossing national boundaries. American Society for Environmental History, San Francisco, USA, 2014.

The last ____ (fill in blank). Im/mortality and In/finitude in the Anthropocene. Stockholm, Sweden, 2014.

Living with animals in urban spaces: An exercise in domestication. Urbanizing nature: The transformation of city-nature relations 1500-2000, Antwerp, Belgium, 2015.

The quest for qiviut. Agricultural History Society, Lexington, USA, 2015.

Roundtable organiser and participant — Explorations at the junction of conservation biology and environmental history. European Society for Environmental History, Versailles, France, 2015.

Roundtable participant — Animal History: Opportunities, Problems, Controversies, Politics. American Society for Environmental History, Seattle, USA, 2016.

Invited keynote or seminar presentations

Happy Endings: How choosing the end points of our histories matters. Keynote plenary, Time in Environment and Environmental History conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 2013.

Naturalised National Identities. Migrant Muskox in Northern Nature. Rachel Carson Center Lunchtime Colloquium series, Munich, Germany, 2013. Video online

Cultural memory and its role in animal conservation measures. Keynote plenary, BIOMOT research consortium conference, Brussels, Belgium, 2014.

The Shaggy Saviour of Northern Norway. Anthropology department series, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2014.

Remembrance and reintroduction. The role of memory in the Swedish beaver reintroduction efforts. History department series, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2014.

Cultural memory and its role in animal conservation measures. Beyond economic valuation: Alternative ways to express the value of biodiversity in science and policy, Brussels, March 2014.

The Search for the Last. Brown University, March 2015.

Animals and agricultural history. Opening Plenary Roundtable, Agricultural History Society, Lexington, USA, June 2015.

The passenger pigeon is dead. Long live the passenger pigeon. Keynote lecture, Foreign Bodies, Intimate Ecologies conference, Sydney, Australia, February 2016.

Are parasites forever? Invited plenary, European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Turku, Finland, 2016.

Conflict in a wilder world: Of muskoxen and men in Scandinavia. Plenary speaker, ‘The Future of Wild Europe’ Postgraduate and Early-Career Researcher Conference, Leeds, England, September 2016. Video online

Media appearances/Interviews

Podcast Desire for the Wild – Wild Desires? The Trouble with Rewilding with Jan Oosthoek at Environmental History Resources.

L. Evans, In Sweden, the beavers are back … but is that a good thing? Earth Touch News Network, 9 April 2014.

M.E. Andersson, Att jaga sin egen svans, Filter 38 (June/July 2014), 44-66.

L. Evans, Extinction is forever … or is it? Bioscience (2014): 469-475.

Radio program “Undoing forever” by Britt Wray, aired 19 June 2014 on the Canadian Broadcast Company network.

M. Nijhuis, There’s no such thing as pristine nature, The New Yorker, 6 June 2016.

S. Stridsman, Utrotade arters återkomst väcker känslor, LTU Nyheter, 10 October 2016.

TV interview with Markus Jornevald, Känslor bakom bäverns återkomst, SVT Norrbotten, 13 October.

Radio interview with Ann-Christine Wallner-Hoppe, Utrotade djurarters återkomst väcker känslor, SverigesRadio P4 Norrbotten, 13 October 2016.

Marcus Nigéus, Forskare: “Vi lyssnar inte på de som påverkas”, Norrbottens-Kuriren, 15 October 2016.

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