Publication List for Dolly Jørgensen, Last updated June 2022.
Peer-reviewed publications
- Jørgensen D. 2019. Recovering Lost Species in the Modern Age: Histories of Longing and Belonging. MIT Press.
Edited volumes
- Jørgensen D. and F.A. Jørgensen, eds. 2020. Silver Linings: Clouds in Art and Science. Trondheim: Museumsforlaget.
- Jørgensen D. and V. Langum, eds. 2018. Visions of North in Premodern Europe. Turnhout: Brepols.
- Jørgensen D., F.A. Jørgensen and S. Pritchard, eds. 2013. New Natures: Joining Environmental History with Science and Technology Studies. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Jørgensen D. and S. Sörlin, eds. 2013. Northscapes: History, Technology, and the Making of Northern Environments. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Articles in academic journals
- Jørgensen, D and I Gladstone. 2022. The Passenger Pigeon’s Past on Display for the Future. Environmental History 27(2): 347-353.
- Jørgensen, D. 2022. Extinction and the End of Futures. History & Theory 61(2): 209-218.
- Jørgensen, D. 2022. Isn’t All Environmental Humanities “Environmental Humanities in Practice”? Environmental Humanities 14(1): 216-218.
- Jørgensen, D. 2021. Erasing the extinct: the hunt for Caribbean monk seals and museum collection practices. História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 28 (supl.): 161-183.
- Burke, V., D. Jørgensen and F.A. Jørgensen. 2020. Museums at Home: Digital Initiatives in Response to COVID-19. Norsk museumstidsskrift 6(2): 117-123.
- Jørgensen FA and D Jørgensen. 2021. Citizen science for environmental citizenship. Conservation Biology 35(4): 1344-1347.
- Jørgensen D. 2020. Bettering stories about stories about nature. Ecozon@ 11(2): 200-207.
- Jørgensen D and F Ginn. 2020. Environmental Humanities: Entering a New Time. Environmental Humanities 12(2): 496-500.
- Jørgensen, D. 2020. Tracking animals in a pandemic. Environmental History 25(4): 626-631. Part of the collection “Reflections: Environmental History in the Era of COVID-19”.
- Jørgensen, D. 2019. Extinction and agricultural history. Agricultural History 93(4): 690-694.
- O’Gorman, Emily et al. (including D. Jørgensen). 2019. Teaching the Environmental Humanities: International Perspectives and Practices. Environmental Humanities 11(2): 427-460.
- Jørgensen, D. 2019. Dependence on the whale: multispecies entanglements and ecosystem services in science fiction. Green Letters 23 (2019): 54-67, DOI: 10.1080/14688417.2019.1583591
- Jørgensen D. and Jørgensen F.A. 2018. Aesthetics of energy landscapes. Environment Space Place 10(1): 1-14.
- Jørgensen D. 2017. Competing ideas of ‘natural’ in a dam removal controversy. Water Alternatives 10, no. 3: 840-852. Open Access:
- Jørgensen D. 2017. Endling, the power of the last in an extinction-prone world. Environmental Philosophy 14: 119-138. DOI: 10.5840/envirophil201612542
- Jørgensen F.A. and Jørgensen D. 2016. The Anthropocene as a history of technology. Technology and Culture 57: 231-237.
- Hjältén J., Nilsson C., Jørgensen D. and Bell D. 2016. Forest–Stream Links, Anthropogenic Stressors, and Climate Change: Implications for Restoration Planning. Bioscience 66: 646-654. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biw072
- Roberts P. and Jørgensen D. 2016. Animals as instruments of Norwegian imperial authority in the interwar Arctic. Journal for the History of Environment and Society 1: 65-87.
- Jørgensen D. 2015. Ecological restoration as objective, target and tool in international biodiversity policy. Ecology and Society 20 (4):43.
- Bell D., Hjältén J., Nilsson C., Jørgensen D. and Johansson T. 2015. Forest restoration to attract a putative umbrella species, the white-backed woodpecker, benefited saproxylic beetles. Ecosphere 6(12):278. 1890/ES14-00551.1
- Jørgensen D. 2015. Rethinking rewilding. Geoforum 65: 482-488.
- Hasselquist E. M., NilssonC., HjälténJ.,JørgensenD., LindL. and Polvi, L.E. 2015. Time for recovery of riparian plants in restored northern Swedish streams: a chronosequence study. Ecological Applications 25(5): 1373-1389.
- Jørgensen D. 2015. Illuminating ephemeral medieval agricultural history through manuscript art. Agricultural History 89: 186-199
- Jørgensen D. 2015. The conservation implications of parasite co-reintroduction. Conservation Biology 29: 602-605.
- Bergmark P. and Jørgensen D. 2014. Lophelia pertusa conservation in the North Sea using obsolete offshore structures as artificial reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 516: 275-280
- Jørgensen D. 2014. Modernity and medieval muck. Nature + Culture 9: 225-237.
- Jørgensen D. 2014. Not by human hands: five technological tenets for environmental history in the Anthropocene. Environment and History 20: 479-489.
- Jørgensen D., C. Nilsson, A.R. Hof, E.M. Hasselquist, S. Baker, F. S. Chapin III, K. Eckerberg, J. Hjältén, L. Polvi and L. A. Meyerson. 2014. Policy language in restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology 22: 1-4.
- Jørgensen D. 2013. Running amuck? Urban swine management in late medieval England. Agricultural History 87: 429-451
- Jørgensen D. 2013. Reintroduction and de-extinction. Bioscience 63: 719–720
- Jørgensen D. 2013. Ecological restoration in the Convention for Biological Diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 2977-2982
- Jørgensen D. and B. M. Renöfält. 2013. Damned if you do, dammed if you don’t: Debates on dam removal in the Swedish media. Ecology and Society 18(1): 18.
- Jørgensen D. 2013. Pigs and pollards – medieval insights for UK wood pasture restoration. Sustainability 5: 387-399.
- Jørgensen D. 2012. A blueprint for destruction: Eco-activism in Doctor Who during the 1970s. EcoZon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 3.2: [online]
- Jørgensen D. 2012. Mixing oil and water: naturalizing offshore oil platforms in Gulf Coast aquariums. Journal of American Studies 46: 461–480.
- Jørgensen D. 2012. Rigs-to-reefs is more than rigs and reefs. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10: 178–179.
- Jørgensen D. 2012. OSPAR’s exclusion of rigs-to-reefs in the North Sea. Ocean and Coastal Management 58: 57–61.
- Brauchman S. and D. Jørgensen. 2012. People and plants: Introducing environmental humanities of plants in the Baltics and beyond. Estonian Journal of Ecology 61: 4–8. Co-editor of Special issue People and plants: a humanitarian view.
- Jørgensen D. 2011. What’s history got to do with it? A response to Seddon’s definition of reintroduction. Restoration Ecology 19: 705-708.
- Jørgensen D. 2010. The Metamorphosis of Ajax, jakes, and early modern urban sanitation. Early English Studies 3: [online].
- Jørgensen D. 2010. Local government responses to urban river pollution in late medieval England. Water History 2(1): 35–52.
- Jørgensen D. 2010. ‘All good rule of the Citee’: Sanitation and civic government in England, 1400–1600. Journal of Urban History 36(3): 300–315.
- Jørgensen D. 2009. An oasis in a watery desert? Discourses on an industrial ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico Rigs-to-Reefs program. History and Technology 25(4): 343–364.
- Jørgensen D. 2008. Cooperative sanitation: Managing streets and gutters in late medieval England and Scandinavia. Technology and Culture 49(3): 547–567. *article awarded the European Society for Environmental History best article prize, 2009*
- Jørgensen D. 2004. Multi-use management of the medieval Anglo-Norman forest. Journal of the Oxford University History Society 1(1): [online].
Articles in peer-reviewed edited volumes
- Jørgensen, D. (2022). Moving Muskoxen as an Arctic Resource in the Twentieth Century. In Cambridge History of the Polar Regions, ed. Adrian Howkins and Peder Roberts. Cambridge University Press.
- Flack, A. and D. Jørgensen (2022). Feelings for Nature: Emotions in Environmental History. In Routledge History of Emotions in the Modern World, ed. Peter Stearns and Katie Barclay. Routledge.
- Jørgensen, D. (2022) Portraits of Extinction: Encountering Extinction Narratives in the Natural History Museums. In Traces of the Animal Past, ed. Sean Kheraj and Jennifer Bonnell. Calgary University Press.
- Westergaard, G. and D. Jørgensen. 2021. Making Specimens Sacred: Putting the Bodies of Solitario Jorge and Cụ Rùa on Display. In Animal Remains, ed. Sarah Bezan and Robert McKay. Routledge.
- Jørgensen, D. 2021. Environment. Managing urban sanitation for sanitas. In A Cultural History of Medicine in the Middle Ages, ed. Iona McCleery. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Jørgensen, D. 2020. Crafts and Cleanliness: The Regulation of Noxious Business Activity in English Towns During the Fourteenth through Sixteenth Centuries, in Pursuit of Healthy Environments, ed. Esa Ruuskanen and Heini Hakosalo, 13-26. Routledge.
- Jørgensen, D. 2020. Controlling Pigs in Countryside and City for Sustainable Medieval Agriculture. In Conservation’s Roots: Managing for Sustainability in Preindustrial Europe, 1100–1800, ed. Abigail Dowling and Rick Keyser, 31-49. Berghahn Books.
- Jørgensen, D. and F.A. Jørgensen. 2020. Material and metaphorical clouds. In Silver Linings: Clouds in Art and Science, ed. Dolly Jørgensen and Finn Arne Jørgensen. Trondheim: Museumsforlaget
- Jørgensen, D. 2018. Canadian modernity as icon of the Anthropocene. In Science, Technology, and Modern Canada, ed. Tina Adcock and Edward Jones-Imhotep. University of British Columbia Press.
- Jørgensen, D. 2018. Backyard birds and human-made bat houses: domiciles of the wild in nineteenth- and twentieth-century cities. In Animal History in the Modern City: Exploring Liminality, ed. Clemens Wischermann, Aline Steinbrecher, and Philip Howell. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Jørgensen, D. 2018. After none: Memorialising animal species extinction through monuments. In Animals Count: How Population Size Matters in Animal-Human Relations, ed. Nancy Cushing and Jodi Frawley, 183-199. Routledge.
- Jørgensen, D. 2018. Blood on the Butcher’s Knife: Images of Pig Slaughter in Late Medieval Illustrated Calendars. In Blood Matters: Studies in European Literature and Thought, 1400-1700, ed. Bonnie Lander Johnson and Eleanor Decamp, 224–237. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Jørgensen, D. and V. Langum 2018. Envisioning north from a premodern perspective. In Visions of North in Premodern Europe (see books), 1-11.
- Jørgensen, D. 2018. Beastly belonging in the premodern north. In Visions of North in Premodern Europe (see books), 183-205.
- Jørgensen, D. 2017. Artifacts and habitats. In The Routledge Companion to the Environmental Humanities, ed. Ursula Heise, Jon Christensen, and Michelle Niemann, 138-143. Routledge.
- Jørgensen, D. 2017. A new place for stories: Blogging as an environmental history research tool. In Methodological Challenges in Nature-Culture and Environmental History Research, ed. Jocelyn Thorpe, Stephanie Rutherford, and L. Anders Sandberg, 246-257. Routledge.
- Jørgensen D. 2017. Presence of absence, absence of presence, and extinction narratives. In Nature, Temporality and Environmental Management, ed. Lesley Head, Katarina Saltzman, Gunhild Setten, and Marie Stensek, 45-58. Routledge.
- Jørgensen D. 2016. Muskox in a box and other tales of containers as domesticating mediators in animal relocation. In Animal Housing and Human-Animals Relations: Politics, Practices and Infrastructures, ed. Tone Druglitrø and Kristian Bjørkdahl, 100-114. Routledge.
- Jørgensen D. 2015. Migrant muskoxen and the naturalization of national identity in Scandinavia. In The Historical Animal, ed. S. Nance, 184-201. Syracuse University Press.
- Jørgensen D. 2015. Remembering the past for the future: The function of museums in science fiction time travel narratives. In Time Travel in the Popular Media, ed. J. Ormrod and Matthew Jones, 118–131. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
- Jørgensen D. 2014. The Palm Islands, Dubai, UAE. In Iconic designs: 50 stories about 50 things, ed. G. Lees-Maffei. London: Bloomsbury.
- Jørgensen D. 2014. Mixing oil and water: naturalizing offshore oil platforms in American aquariums. In Oil Culture, ed. D. Worden and R. Barrett, 267-288. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Jørgensen D. and P. Quelch. 2014. The origins and history of medieval wood-pastures. In European Wood-pastures in Transition, ed. T. Hartel and T. Pleininger, 55–69. New York, Routledge.
- Jørgensen D. and S. Sörlin. 2013. Making the Action Visible—Environing in Northern Landscapes. In Northscapes (see books), 1–13.
- Jørgensen D. 2013 Environmentalists on both sides: Enactments in the California rigs-to-reefs debate. In New Natures (see books), 51–68.
- Jørgensen D. 2013. The medieval sense of smell, stench and sanitation. In The Five Senses of the City, ed. U. Krampl, R. Beck and E. Retaillaud-Bajac, 301–313. Tours, France: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais.
- Jørgensen D. 2013. Who’s the devil? Species extinction and environmentalist thought in Star Trek. In Star Trek and History, ed. N. Reagin, 242–259. New York: Wiley & Sons.
- Jørgensen D. 2010. What to do with waste? The dilemmas of waste disposal in two late medieval towns. In The Living City. Urban Change and Urban Environment in History, ed. Sven Lilja, 34–55. Stockholm: Formas.
- Jørgensen D. 2010. The roots of the English royal forest. In Anglo-Norman Studies 32, ed. Chris Lewis, 114–128. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press.
Other Publications
- Jørgensen, D. 2016. Rödlistorna, arternas historia och övervakning av nature. Biodiverse 21, no. 2 (2016): 10-11.
- Jørgensen, D. 2013. Sinking prospect: oil rigs and Greenpeace in the North Sea. Solutions Journal 4(4): [online].
- Jørgensen D. and F. A. Jørgensen. 2008. Miljøhistorie: Kunsten å lytte til naturens stemme? Fortid 5(4): 6-9.
- Jørgensen D. 2006. Medieval latrines and the law. Medium Aevum Quotidianum 53: 5-16.
- Jørgensen D. 2005. ‘Without which the forests cannot be preserved’: Magna Carta, ecclesiastics, and forest sustainability. In History and Sustainability: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the European Society for Environmental History. Florence: Università di Firenze.
- Wilson D. 2004. On the margins: Imagination in gothic illuminated manuscripts. In Lustre: Spiritual Treasures & Sensory Pleasures. Medieval Texts & Images form Houston Collections, 33-38. Houston: University of Houston.
- Wilson D. 2003. Implications of feeding pigs in the Anglo-Norman forest. In Dealing With Diversity: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for Environmental History. Prague: Charles University Faculty of Science.
- Wilson D. 2003. The divine right of kingship: A comparison of medieval coronation images of Charlemagne and Roger II of Sicily. Visual Culture: A Journal of Art History and Art 3(1): 32-35.
Encyclopedia articles
- Jørgensen D. 2012. History of consumption and waste, medieval world. In Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, ed. Carl Zimring and William L. Rathje. New York: Sage
- Jørgensen D. 2010. Pigs and hogs. In Encyclopedia of American Environmental History, ed. Kathy Brosnan, 1050–1051. New York: Facts on File.
- Jørgensen D. 2008. Forests and forestry—Europe. In Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Medieval World, ed. Pam Crabtree, 473-475. New York: Facts on File.
Book Reviews
- Jørgensen D. 2015. Review of Linda Clark and Carole Rawcliffe, eds. Society in an Age of Plague, Speculum 90, 526–528.
- Jørgensen D. 2015. Review of Harold Fox, Dartmoor’s Alluring Uplands: Transhumance and Pastoral Management in the Middle Ages, Agricultural History 89, 114–115.
- Jørgensen D. 2014. Review of Tom Williamson, Environment, Society and Landscape in Early Medieval England, Canadian Journal of History 49, 487-488.
- Jørgensen D. 2013. Review of John Aberth, An Environmental History of the Middle Ages: The Crucible of Nature, Reviews in History [online]
- Jørgensen D. 2013. Review of Brian Frehner, Finding Oil: The Nature of Petroleum Geology, 1859-1920, Technology and Culture 54 (2013): 201-202.
- Jørgensen D. 2012. Review of Thorstein Jørgensen and Gerhard Jaritz, eds., Isolated Islands in Medieval Nature, Culture and Mind, The Medieval Review
- Jørgensen D. 2011. Review of Malcolm Thick, Sir Hugh Plat: The Search for Useful Knowledge in Early Modern London, Agricultural History 85: 422–423.
- Jørgensen D. 2008. Review of Ben Campkin and Rosie Cox, eds., Dirt: New Geographies of Cleanliness and Contamination, H-Net Reviews [online].
- Jørgensen D. 2008. Review of Maggie Black and Ben Fawcett, The Last Taboo: Opening the Door on the Global Sanitation Crisis, H-Net Reviews [online].
Public writing
- Research blog for Return of Native Nordic Fauna project (
- “The Tasmanian tiger went extinct 80 years ago today. But that took decades to figure out.” Washington Post, 7 September 2016.
- “History for a Sustainable Future” presentation at RIFO seminar, October 2015.
- Rigger bør bli rev, guest editorial, DagensNæringsliv, 23 November 2009, p. 4
- Å lære unge forskere å bli forskere, blog post on, 7 April 2009
- Den individuelle tverrfagligheten, blog post on, 15 February 2009