Extinction in Environmental History

Dolly Jørgensen and Miles Powell. “Extinction in Environmental History: Historicising problems of classification and intentionality.” In The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History, ed. E. O’Gorman, W. San Martín, M. Carey, and S. Swart, 204-216. Routledge. Every extinction has a history—a cultural, economic, and political context that leads to the ultimate end…

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The Medieval Pig

The pig was a common sight in the Middle Ages. They might be eating under an oak tree, or out in a field. They might be in the street, with the swineherd close behind at their heels. They might be dismembered, for sale by a butcher. They might be represented…

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Moving Muskoxen as an Arctic Resource in the Twentieth Century

In Cambridge History of the Polar Regions, ed. Adrian Howkins and Peder Roberts, 702-725. Cambridge University Press, 2023. In this chapter I discuss how muskoxen went from having a small geographical distribution in the 1800s to being flung across the northern reaches of the Northern northern hemisphere by humans moving…

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Coda on Curation: Thoughts on Science Fiction and Museums

Configurations 30, no. 3 (2022): 367-375 An encounter in a museum—viewing objects in a display case or a wall filled with art—is always an encounter with curation. Science fiction gives insights into the power inherent in the curator’s role. Although curators are scarce in science fiction, one major science fiction character…

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The Beaver’s Journey

The public outreach project The Beaver’s Journey (Beverens reise) which was developed for the 100th anniversary of the beaver reintroduction project from Norway to Sweden has multiple components:

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Feelings for nature : Emotions in environmental history

Andy Flack and Dolly Jørgensen, in The Routledge History of Emotions in the Modern World, ed. KatieBarclay and Peter N. Stearns, 235-251 (Routledge, 2022) More-than-human environments often evoke highly consequential emotional responses which are always rooted in spatial-temporal contexts. Human emotions have often directly impacted not only on the lives…

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