In Methodological Challenges in Nature-Culture and Environmental History Research, ed. Jocelyn Thorpe, Stephanie Rutherford, and L. Anders Sandberg, 246-257. Routledge, 2017.
Abstract: In this chapter I present an experiment: five pseudo-posts about blogging. I call them pseudo-posts because unlike the true online format of a blog, clickable links and embedded visuals are not possible. Yet I’ve tried to simulate the reading of a blog through indicated links (they are underlined and you can find the web addresses in the footnotes) and writing style. Each pseudo-post uses the title of one of my 2013 posts as a launching point and explores how blogging changed the process of my environmental history research. Although blogs may provide space for research dissemination, discussion, or community building, I have found that the greatest effect of my blogging is a shift in my scholarly practice by embracing two central aspects of research blogging: writing often and sharing stories.
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